Invest in Myself

I've been known to say things like "You learn something every single day if you aren't careful."

I have been a little too careful of late, and have let some things slip in terms of my personal and technical skills.

This project of course can't end and has no completion, but I'll lay out a few milestones I'm shooting for.

First, the company I work for is trying to enter the Mexico marketplace. We have partners there that open doors for us and can communicate with potential customers, but we don't have anyone on staff in the IT department who can understand spanish. So, one milestone is to make it through my Spanish on CD stuff. I've also subscribed to a spanish audiocast on iTunes, and will be working through that simultaneously.

Second, I have let pleasure reading completely overwhelm my developmental reading. I have a couple of subgoals here: Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, Edward Gibbons Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, and an OReilly programming reference yet to be identified. All of these are available as eBooks, and I'm setting a goal of reading 6 hours a week from one or more of these on my iPad.

Third, I could stand to lose a few pounds. Could lose 40 probably, but to keep it achievable, lets say 15 pounds, in 2 months.

Avoiding distractions, all three of these goals should be achievable.