Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Jack's House - Water Heater Failure

At Jack's house, the first project to tackle was the hot water heater and enclosure.  In this house, the hot water heater is in a closet of sorts, in the garage.  The existing hot water heater leaked quite severely, and had been leaking for some time, it appeared.  We tackled this first so we could have the city turn on the water.

Here's the old hot water heater, removed from the enclosure and awaiting disposal.

And some debris from the enclosure, now removed.  Those are termite trails on that wood on the driveway!

This is what the wall looked like behind the enclosure.  Much of this will need to be removed.  It looks like the termites may have followed the water from the leak up through the hole in the foundation where this old drain line runs out.  That line will be removed, and the drain line will be routed through the front wall of the house.

Jack may have more photos showing progress, but after removing all studs, sheetrock, and other lumber with damage, the enclosure is rebuilt, inspected (and passed!).  A plumber was used to install the hot water heater in the new enclosure, along with an expansion tank (required for code).  The inspector did have the plumber return and install a different gas cutoff arrangement.

We need a picture of the inside of the enclosure.  I'll add one to this post later.

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